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Mass Elite is an organization dedicated to helping youth and high school lacrosse players achieve the next level of lacrosse, and to prepare high school athletes to play lacrosse in college. Mass Elite is for those youth athletes that want additional practice and play all year and for high school athletes that want to develop and play competitively in the off season towards the goal of playing college lacrosse.

The philosophy of Mass Elite is to provide a wide range of opportunities for all players to develop; to reach that goal we hire outstanding coaches, are committed to high level training and development, enter challenging regional and national tournaments, reward work ethic, sportsmanship and academic achievement, and above all have fun while learning!  Playing club lacrosse is essential for those high school lacrosse players serious about playing lacrosse in college.  College coaches from every program in the country look at club lacrosse programs to recruit players. Mass Elite will provide exposure to college coaches at tournaments, skill development necessary to play at the college level and competition that will challenge and improve the athlete’s skill level.

There is no set number of players in each year of graduation. Players are chosen based on skill level and athleticism. There are typically 2-3 full teams at each year of graduation. Players are often rostered for tournaments based on their rank within the club.

The try out process is extremely difficult; our coaches come from many different backgrounds and have different selection criteria. We make every effort to give every candidate a fair evaluation, and feel that with multiple skill stations, small sided games, and full field game opportunities we allow all players an opportunity to demonstrate their skills. We encourage players to attend both try out dates as it will only help our evaluators to recognize your talents. Only one try out is required, but if legitimate conflicts arise and a player cannot make any of the scheduled try outs, our staff may schedule a try out by invitation. Similarly, a player may be invited to join Mass Elite, without a formal tryout if recommended by one of our coaches. Mass Elite players must try out every year. As new players try out the competition changes and each advancing grade year requires that player have reached the next skill level. Players must challenge themselves to improve each year.

Mass Elite encourages players to participate in all practices and attend as many tournaments as possible. We recognize that most of our athletes play several sports, participate in a myriad of extracurricular activities, are honor roll students and have family commitments; and while there is no attendance taken or tournaments required, those athletes that are committed and that can give one hundred percent in all that they do, will be chosen for the top teams. Mass Elite athletes that have been successful on their town, high school, and ultimately their college teams are those who have worked hard at every practice, scrimmage, and tournament and have taken advantage of as many opportunities to practice and play as possible.

There is no set number of practices or tournaments; it changes based on player availability and on the tournament schedule. In general, there are 1-2 practices a month from September to February. Youth teams have spring practices and tournaments; there are typically six spring youth practices on Saturday evenings in April and May. Summer practices in June and July are weekly for both High School and Youth teams.

There are generally 4-5 tournaments per season: fall, winter, spring (youth only), and summer. Players choose which tournaments to attend. Tournament fees are NON-Refundable, as the fees are paid to the events in advance. Signups for tournaments are first come, first serve basis. Players are encouraged to complete tournament registrations as soon as possible in order to secure a roster spot.

We cannot announce practices until permits are approved typically two (2) to four (4) weeks before each season. However, we typically practice on Saturdays in the fall, Sunday and weekdays in the winter, Sundays in the spring for youth only, and weekdays in the summer. Each year of graduation rotates practices in the fall and winter, so they are not every week. Please look at our current schedule as it is typically very similar from year to year.

Teams are generally chosen by the athlete’s year of graduation, as most tournaments use this format in scheduling. Depending on the number of athletes in a grade year and the size of the roster necessary to enter a particular tournament (7v7, 12v12), there may be multiple teams entered for each grade level.

You may play on different teams for different tournaments and have different coaches. Mass Elite has found that players benefit from playing with different players and for different coaches. Our most successful lacrosse alumni will often reflect on how much they have learned from their Mass Elite teammates and their Mass Elite coaches.  When there are opportunities to play for an older year of graduation or more advanced team, younger players with appropriate skill level may be considered because they demonstrate willingness to play any position, positive attitude, work ethic, team play and field vision.

No. Mass Elite coaches feel that when you make a commitment to play for this club it should be to this lacrosse club only. If it is your choice to play for another program, we would rather offer the spot to another talented lacrosse player.

The Mass Elite team fee is applied to the costs of uniforms, equipment, field rentals, practices, and administrative expenses. Tournament fees are an additional expense and are paid at the time of registration.  Tournament fees generally range between $125.00 and $350.00, depending on the costs to participate. There are no refunds of tournament fees.  Any last-minute cancellations or requests to remove a tournament/event registration after the registration period has closed are considered non-refundable drops.  We expect players to take tournament commitments seriously as Mass Elite may lose the opportunity to participate in future tournaments in the event that we are unable to field an adequately rostered team.

Mass Elite is a successful lacrosse club program, and we believe our success is not only measured by the accomplishments of our athletes but also by the individual experiences of our players.  They have fun, they work hard, they make mistakes, they are challenged, and they grow. Our coaches are integral in the learning process while making the playing experience fun. Mass Elite Directors recruit the best coaches in Eastern Massachusetts for our players; our staff shares the Mass Elite coaching philosophy: to teach lacrosse and drive athletes to excel with energy, passion, fairness, and dedication while respecting each athlete’s personality and contribution to the team. Simply, our coaches are the best; they are talented lacrosse players and teachers of the game, mentors, and great role models for our players.  We find that players benefit from many different coaching styles and are often better prepared for their next lacrosse experience having learned from a variety of coaches.

Mass Elite emphasizes skill development for youth and middle school players. While maintaining high expectations for all of our athletes, we recognize the developmental and age appropriate needs of our younger players. High School athletes are expected to participate and make a commitment to our program and their teammates as if they were playing for their high school or college team. Our most successful players are at every practice and give one hundred percent at every practice and tournament. Our lacrosse athletes drive and challenge each other to improve. Many of our practice scrimmages are as intense as tournament games.

Rosters are created specifically for each event that Mass Elite attends.  The number of teams created depends on the tournament format (5v5, 7v7, 12v12) and the number of registered players.  The leveling of those teams depends on the tournament format (jamboree, recruiting showcase, or championships).

Typically, Mass Elite rosters a top team in each year-of-graduation followed by teams that are comparable in skill level.  For Mass Elite to succeed as a club, we must always be competitive. If we are not a challenging opponent or we do not succeed against the best club teams in the country, we will lose our place in the top tier of competition.  We always aspire to be a top-level team.

In order to stay competitive, our division coordinators are constantly ranking, evaluating and discussing player development.  Player development can often change dramatically from year to year.  Mass Elite's philosophy in rostering for events is to continually assess a player's skill level, athleticism, impact, and commitment, which allows for roster flexibility.  A top-level player is never guaranteed top team throughout the Mass Elite season.  Conversely, a second-tier player always has the opportunity to be considered for the top-leveled team.

On occasion, certain athletes may be significantly more advanced in their skill level than other players in their year-of-graduation.  They may be asked to participate in certain practices or events with older players.  While we may encourage playing up for youth players, it is necessary for them to play with their year-of-graduation to gain confidence and continuity within a class.  In addition, players in high school are generally required to play only with their year-of-gradation.

Many Mass Elite players continue their lacrosse careers at the collegiate level.  There are also Mass Elite players who decide to play another sport in college, participate in club lacrosse at the collegiate level or choose an academic path that would not allow time for collegiate athletics.  With hundreds of schools offering the opportunity to play lacrosse in college, there is generally a fit, academically and athletically, for any of our athletes interested in pursuing the next level of lacrosse. 

Mass Elite is very involved with the recruiting process.  Many conversations happen frequently with college coaches both on the phone and in between games at tournaments.  Mass Elite offers individual recruiting meetings with any of our program directors or year-of-graduation coordinators.

Mass Elite coaches do not typically write recommendations as college coaches would prefer to evaluate players in a game situation rather than read an evaluation.  Though Mass Elite coaches are involved in the recruiting process, college coaches have emphasized the importance of having conversations directly with prospective student athlete, not their parents or coaches.