Player Development
Mass Elite encourages our members to take advantage of additional opportunities to grow and develop as players that do not interfere with their Mass Elite participation. We offer a competitive schedule of practice and tournament play. We recognize the passion our players have for the game and have provided additional resources for instructional fitness, stickwork and virtual workouts that can be accessed via the Workouts and Training page.
Our high school student athletes can benefit from the exposure to college coaches by attending camps and clinics and we provide a details page for published upcoming events. Click here to view the list of Camps and Clincs.
There are annual opportunities to try out for regional teams and tryout information can be found on our Additional Play Opportunities page. Regional teams include but are not limited to New Balance, American Select and the Women’s National Tournament team. We will continue to post this information as it becomes available.
If you have any questions about accessing any of our Player Development Resources, please do not hesitate to call our office.